Episode 7: Reduce Stress by Starting a Passion Project


Many times, let’s face it. We focus on goal setting into the new year. But that's never the solution. It could lead to great ideas for the new year, but you're setting yourself up for failure if you don’t focus on things you love to do. I want us to focus on reducing stress by starting a passion project.

 There are SO many projects we could be doing but we don’t know how to do it.

I will be walking you through my journey of following my passion, taking a risks, and finding joy in discovering myself. I needed to make money, but I also needed to be creative. That’s when I decided to write my own show. I wanted to take something and create this masterpiece that was going on in my brain and bring it to life.

It was a story of my upbringing and my Jewish heritage. It was part of my identity. When I decided to write my show, there were some difficult parts, but I discovered so much about myself and it was a way for me to release my anger about the past. 

When you explore your passions, you’re able to release so much emotion - emotional baggage, past experiences, and you’re able to let things go. My show was that outlet for me. And it made me in the future to feel so comfortable to be myself. It also led me to other opportunities.

Through my journey I discovered myself. And I want you to do the same, by trying something new and following your passions.

I discovered new parts of me through my journey and journaling, and I want the same for you. Carve time out in this new year for self-care, following your passion, and discover a stronger version of yourself.

Make your life exciting. YOU are the one who is in the driver’s seat. Don’t let the future decide, you write your own story.

If you enjoyed this episode and found it encouraging or inspiring in any way, I’d love to hear from you!

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Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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