Episode 141: The Emotional Roller Coaster of Blind Love with Chelsea Blackwell


Episode on YouTube & streaming on all podcast platforms

When Chelsea Blackwell and I sat down to unravel her "Love Is Blind" journey, little did I know it would be a rollercoaster ride of emotions and revelations.

Chelsea, an incredible wedding planner & flight attendant, brought to the table her firsthand experience of seeking love in the absence of sight, opening up about the mental gymnastics one undergoes and the complexities behind the scenes. We navigated through the waves of disappointment stemming from the lack of portrayal of her connection with Jimmy and the frustrations over the power of editing in shaping the audience's perceptions.

But our conversation went deeper than just the highs and lows of reality TV dating. Chelsea shared a raw and unfiltered account of trust, betrayal, and the critical need for boundaries and respect within relationships. It's a candid exploration of the emotional aftermath of a nearly-wed breakup. Listeners get an inside look at the disparity between on-screen romance and the stark reality of off-camera dynamics, providing a sobering reminder of the importance of genuine connection.

Wrapping up with a powerful message of personal growth, Chelsea reflects on the importance of love languages and the newfound self-confidence that arose from the ashes of heartbreak. It's a testament to the resilience that comes from such trials and a celebration of emerging stronger as well as more self-aware. This episode is an intimate look into the challenges of finding love when the world is watching and a heartening reminder that even when the cameras stop rolling, the journey to self-discovery and true affection continues. Join us for a glimpse into Chelsea's experience—it just might reshape the way you view love on reality TV.

Check out this episode’s highlights:

  • (8:49) Chelsea drops a bombshell about pod dating

  • (13:05) Find out the whole story to the Megan Fox drama

  • (23:02) On proposal day...It was never going to be Trevor

  • (33:25) According to Chelsea, Jimmy was a completely different person on & off camera

  • (1:05:04) What she wishes would've been discussed at the reunion


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Do you wish you celebrated yourself? Stopped worrying what other people think? Made time for yourself to do things you love with people that matter?

Come to our 3-Day Soaring Souls Challenge early summer! 

Special Discussion with Chelsea Blackwell!

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Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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